The Berlin Letters by Katherine Reay – Fascinating, Compelling, Filled with Intrigue

When I read the description about Katherine Reay’s new book, The Berlin Letters, I wanted to read it.  So glad I had the opportunity.  It was a great book.  

Monica Voekler loved her husband Haris and enjoyed their life together in East Berlin with their daughter Luisa.  But she did not share Haris’ appreciation for the GDR government.  The day came when the wall went up, guards would not let people pass through to West Berlin, and razor wire deterred citizens trying to escape.  That day Monica was desperate and would resort to the unthinkable to ensure her daughter would be safe.  She tossed her beloved daughter to her father on the other side of the wall.  Their lives changed that day, for Monica and Haris, and for three-year-old Luisa and her Grandparents who later moved to America.

The Berlin Letters is a wonderful read.  The novel takes place during the Cold War and spans 28 years, from 1961 to 1989.  It tells the story about a family divided and torn apart by the oppressive German Democratic Republic and the Berlin Wall.  It is filled with mystery, intrigue, secrets, spies, snitches, encrypted letters, and code breaking.  It tells the story of people who risked their lives to get the truth out the world with the hope of change and freedom. 

As fascinating as the intrigue is the story was made even more compelling by the characters and their relationships.  The characters came across as very real as we learn about their experiences and what they are thinking and feeling.  The characters grew and changed over the years.

I enjoyed reading historical fiction and Katherine Reay did a fabulous job making the characters come to life during the fascinating time of the Cold War.  The Berlin Letters is a is compelling, thoughtful novel, and filled with intrigue. 

The Berlin Letters is the first novel I have read by Katherine Reay and I am so glad I discovered her work.  I was reminded when reading this book, what an incredible time we lived through when we saw the Berlin Wall come down and freedom come to those who were oppressed.  I look forward to reading more of her books. 

I would like to thank Publisher Harper Muse and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complementary copy of The Berlin Letters by Katherine Reay.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Fatal Witness by Patricia Bradley – Interesting Plot, But the Story Got Bogged Down

I enjoy suspense and mystery novels and was excited to read Patricia Bradley’s newest book Fatal Witness, the second book in the Pearl River Novel series.  A cold case, family secrets, a repressed memory, and a family seeking justice makes for an interesting mystery. 

At age nine, Danielle witnessed her parents’ murders and was whisked away by her uncle Keith.  It has been twenty-five years and Dani has no memory of the events that changed her life.  Her uncle has protected and insulated her from all possible danger.  While she has no memory of her family, she inherited the natural artistic talents of her grandmother Mae.  The subject of a recent magazine article, Dani has been invited to attend an artist workshop in Cincinnati.  Though Dani has no memory of her early life, her grandmother has never forgotten her, nor stopped looking for her.  Seeing the article in the pottery magazine, Mae is certain that Dani may be her long-lost granddaughter. 

I found the storyline intriguing.  I liked Dani and was curious about her uncle Keith and how he would react to Dani venturing out on her own.  I liked her grandmother Mae who was willing to press law enforcement to investigate this cold case and find her granddaughter.  Law enforcement officers in the remote area of Tennessee were stretched thin and had a lot of area to cover.  But Mark Lassiter with his K-9 companion Gem, along with Alex Stone and her team would do what they could investigate this cold case and protect those in danger. 

Once Dani is back in Tennessee, things heat up and it appears the murderer will stop at nothing to protect their secrets.  At this point in the story, it seemed to get bogged down.  I struggled with the last half of the story. There were a lot of characters and potential suspects to weed through.  There were some strategic errors made by law enforcement several times.  Some risks and decisions that were made were not logical.  As a former military sharp shooter, I found it interesting that Mark allowed himself to be distracted. 

Faith was a small part of the story and a Bible verse was focused on in times of danger.  I would like to have seen Mark’s faith more fully developed and part of the story. 

I liked the storyline and characters in Fatal Witness, but found the story dragged in the last half of the novel. 

I would to thank NetGalley and Revell Publishing for the opportunity to read Patricia Bradley’s book Fatal Witness.  If you enjoy Patricia Bradley’s writing and like mysteries and intrigue, you may enjoy this book.  I was provided with a complimentary copy of Fatal Witness.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

One Wrong Move by Dani Pettrey – Interesting Storyline, Likeable Characters, But Too Many Characters and Subplots

I enjoy reading mystery and suspense books and was excited to read Dani Pettrey’s newest novel One Wrong Move, the first book in the Jeopardy Falls series

Christian O’Brady’s received a frantic phone call from his client Tad Gaiman about a break-in and theft at his art gallery in Jeopardy Falls.  Christian had installed state of the art security system at all three of Gaiman’s art galleries.  When Christian arrived on the scene, he learned that the impenetrable system was compromised by his client and a mystery-women he had met the night before.  Christian will be working with Sheriff Brunswick and insurance investigator Andi Forester to find out what happened.  When news comes out about break-ins at Tad’s other art galleries, this case just got a lot more complicated.

The premise of this storyline is interesting and many characters were likeable.  There was a lot going on in this story.  There were a lot of characters, Christian’s brother and sister worked with him, along with a work associate.  Christian’s brother Deckard knew of Andi, but under a different name, and what he knew about her was not good.  Andi had a lot of baggage and had left her last job with the FBI under a cloud of suspicion.  Not a lot of people believed in her innocence, except for friend Harper. 

Andi was not the only person with personal baggage.  Christian, Deckard, and their sister Riley had a rough start and had battled putting their past and the memories behind them.  It seems like everyone’s past was coming back to haunt them.

I had some problems with this book from the start.  At the beginning there are two brutal murders that take place and were told from the point of view of the bad guys.  It seemed over the top and especially ugly which surprised me in a book from a Christian writer and publisher.  It did not make the story better and I thought about putting the book down.  There were multiple bad guys and keeping track of them was challenging. 

There was a whole lot of past baggage with the main characters, almost everyone of them.  They were likeable, but it was a lot of issues to get through.  Perhaps the volume of issues took away from the storyline. 

The Christian faith was somewhat included, but was not deeply developed.  The physical attraction between some of the character could have been toned down some.  There were some illogical decisions or risks that were taken that did not make sense.  I didn’t quite believe the ending.  With two brutal murders and other violence in addition to major high end art theft, it did not seem logical that law enforcement would be on site to get the bad guys. 

There were elements that I liked in One Wrong Move, likeable characters, and an interesting storyline.  But it was overwhelmed by the number of characters with lots of baggage and details.  I like Dani Pettrey’s writing, but this story kind of detracted from itself by the volume of characters and subplots. 

I would like to thank Bethany House Publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of One Wrong Move by Dani Pettrey.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

All the Presidents’ Gardens by Marta McDowell – A Refreshing and Lovely Read

Maybe it was the winter season that piqued my interest in reading Marta McDowell’s book All the Presidents’ Gardens.  With our garden at rest, it was a lovely time to read about the history of the Presidents’ gardens at the White House over the last 235 years.

I absolutely loved reading this book.  It was a combination of history, gardening, with a little bit of biographies mixed-together.  It was refreshing to see the love of gardening from our Presidents, their wives, and families, and how they enjoyed the fruits of the labor of those who executed design plans.  What a huge task for the men and women who designed the gardens over the years.  I found it interesting to learn how everyone’s background, education, and experience influenced the designs, selection of plants, and the additions of other elements to make the gardens what they wanted. 

As a gardener, I found I connected with the Presidents and their families that had a love for gardening.  I appreciated their desire for seed and plant preservation.  I came away from reading this book with a new appreciation for how gardening is passed down from one generation to another.

If you love gardening, history, biographies, or design, I highly recommend All the Presidents’ Gardens by Marta McDowell.  This was a lovely and refreshing book to read. 

I would like to thank Timber Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of All the Presidents’ Gardens by Marta McDowell.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Double Take by Lynette Eason – Action Packed Suspense

I enjoy mystery and suspense novels and was excited to read Lynette Eason’s newest book Double Take.  This is the first book in her new Lake City Hero series.  This book will grab your attention from the get go. 

Lainie Jackson is a physician’s assistant at a hospital in Lake City, NC.  After stopping to check on a friend, Lainie headed to work on a rainy day.  A driver behind her was intent on passing and clipped her car which sent her car over the side of the mountain.  After calling 911, Lainie noticed a man peering over the edge of the road.  A man that looked like Adam, her former fiancé who was dead.  Or was he?

Detective James Cross and his partner, Cole Garrison responded to a domestic violence call.  James wants to do whatever it will take to get the children out of a very dangerous situation, including putting himself in the line of fire.  After sustaining injuries, James was taken to the hospital where he was treated by Lainie, his sister’s best friend.  Perhaps they can reconnect and help each other.

There was a lot going on in this story.  Lots of characters and relationships that were intertwined.  Some healthy and some not so good.  Both Lainie and James had a lot of baggage from their past, from family issues and PTSD that had left emotional scars.  It seemed like there some “blame the imperfect parents” that caused their children to have issues going on.  I don’t know any perfect families and life sure can be messy. 

Yet, I liked how Lainie was honest, straight forward, and respectful.  I appreciated how James evaluated how he had erred in his response to his father and how his father was willing to look at his own actions.  I liked the main characters, they seemed like decent, kind, and caring people.  They had good friends who were supportive and tried to be there for them, people they could trust.  I appreciated that Lainie did not do stupid things that unnecessarily put herself at risk and she was open to receiving help. 

The characters were likeable.  The storyline was a bit of a stretch on believability.  But I wanted to know whodunnit and why.  I liked how the characters grew and developed during the story.  There were some twists and turns, intense situations, and serious subject matters.  Topics like domestic violence, attempted murder, suicide, and dysfunctional families.  Faith was a small part of the story.  I would have like to have seen faith, trust and dependance upon God, and prayer more fully developed in the characters. 

If you like suspense and mystery, you may want to read Double Take by Lynette Eason.  I enjoyed this story and look forward to reading future books in the Lake City Hero series

I would like to thank Revell Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of Double Take by Lynette Eason.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.