Five Minute Friday – True Grit

When I first saw this week’s word “Grit” the movie True Grit came to mind.  I remember the scene of John Wayne as Rooster Cogburn riding his horse across a meadow with guns blazing.
Grit…now that’s a rather interesting word.
Some people are like gritty sandpaper in my life.  God uses them to buff out and polish off some of the rough not so pretty parts of my personality or character.  The key is, to having the perspective that God is using them in the middle of those difficult days with difficult people.  It doesn’t feel too good, but in retrospect I see how God uses them.
In fact I have one of those sandpaper people in my life right now.  I find myself saying, “Lord, I don’t understand?”  The other day when I was bemoaning the latest offence the Lord impressed upon me that perhaps I should ask, “Lord, what lesson do You want me to learn in this?”
Before I get too cocky and think too highly of myself, I need to remember thatI may be someone’s gritty, irritating sandpaper person. 
Here’s one of the definitions of the word grit:  firmness of mind or spirit : unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger.
Now I rather like that!  I would like it to be said, “Now she displayed a lot of grit.”  But I want to be a godly woman of grit.  Not one that is self-willed and unyielding, but one who can stand firm because I know my God, who He is and what He can do and because I know Whose I am. 

This post is being linked to 5-Minute Friday courtesy of The Gypsy Mama, where you simply write for 5 minutes without worrying if it’s right or not.  Head on over and take the challenge today.  It’s kind of fun!